


VSI GF-500 HT Gas Flux Autosampler

The exchange of gaseous compounds between the atmosphere and different types of surfaces has received increasing interest, not the least in connection with studies of large-scale pollution problems, climate change and biogeochemical cycles.

The VSI GS-500 autosampler allows for a high-throughput surveying of emissions of your trace gases of interest. A common application would be the monitoring of soil samples or microcosms under controlled laboratory settings (climate chamber). 

As the system allows for closed-chamber measurements but the samples are incubated within one environment, the standardisation of environmental parameters is beyond commonly applies closed chamber/flask measurements.

VSI GF 500 HT Gas Flux Autosampler - Features

Key features:

  • 10 large sample spots incubated under the same environmental conditions, allowing to hold samples of different sizes

  • Glas chamber to allow to measure ecosystem respiration with small plants, mosses etc. under light

  • Pre-measurement chamber flushing with outside air

  • Measurements steps can be set freely, allowing for 24/7 measurements

  • An integrated scale allows to record (potential) water loss by evaporation as a key co-variate of soil respiration measurements

  • Additional chamber flushing with bottled gases (e.g. synthetic air) optional

  • Integrated recording and operation with common measurements systems pre-set

  • Integrated climate chamber control (for now BINDER models only)

Available upon request (customisation)

  • Teflon chamber to allow to measure volatiles

  • Custom software adaptation to available climate chambers

  • Custom software adaptation to available measurement system (IRGA, etc.)