


Redox electrode acc. to Mansfeldt

Scope of application

Redox probe: Measures the redox potential (EH, ORP) in soils, permanent application in field or laboratory, even under water-saturated conditions


  • Special design for permanent application in soils

  • Small dimensions

  • Application in field and laboratory

  • Normalized platinum surface for improved reproducibility

  • Mobile readout or stationary using the connection module for enviLog

  • Designed by Prof. Dr. Mansfeldt, University of Cologne

Technical data

Measuring range:-1 ... +1 V
Resolution:1 mV
Platinum rod
Material:99,95 % Pt, hard drawn
Length:L = 5 mm
Diameter:1 mm
Material:Carbon fiber
Length:30 cm, other lengths available on request
Diameter:6 mm
Length:3 m, other lengths avalable on request


Self-sufficient measuring field station; Pedological-meteorological measuring station


Literature with reference to this product:
  • Mansfeldt, T. (2003): In situ long-term redox potential measurements in a dyked marsh soil; J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 166, 210-219.

  • Mansfeldt, T. (2004): Redox potential of bulk soil and soil solution concentration of nitrate, manganese, iron, and sulfate in two Gleysols; J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 167, 7-16.

  • Weigand H., T. Mansfeldt, S. Wessel-Bothe & C. Marb (2005): Bulk soil redox potential and arsenic speciation in the pore water of fen soils; in W. Skierucha & R.T. Walcak (eds.): Monitoring and modelling the properties of soil as a porous medium: the role of soil use; International conference, Lublin; 44-46.

  • Dorau, K. & T. Mansfeldt (2016): Comparison of redox potential dynamics in a diked marsh soil: 1990 to 1993 versus 2011 to 2014; J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 179, 641-651.

  • Wang, J. et al. (2018): Characterizing redox potential effects on greenhouse gas emissions induced
    by water-level changes. Vadose Zone J. 17:170152. doi:10.2136/vzj2017.08.0152.

  • Dorau et al. (2020): Climate change and redoximorphosis in a soil with stagnic properties; Catena 190:104528.