


Plastic suction plates

Scope of application

Areal extraction of soil solution for the quantitative analysis of solute fluxes; application in field studies and lysimeters (Excursus: Suction cups product finder)


  • Suitable for inorganic solutes with high sorption coefficients

  • Heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn), metalloids (As, Sb) and phosphates

  • High hydraulic conductivity

  • High Bubble Point

  • Open-grained polyethylene-structure or polyamide mesh acts as a protective sleeve to obtain a optimal hydraulic connectivity to the water-filled soil pores

  • Tongue and groove system allows construction to any size

  • For lysimeter application rounded elements available

Technical data

Filter material:Polyamide membrane
Bubble Point:≥ 1,000 hPa
Pore size:0,45 μm
Dimensions:250 mm x 250 mm
Output volume:ca. 1000 ml/min (at water saturation and 500 hPa suction)
Material:Polyethylene or polyamide
Length:1 m; other lengths available on request
Diameter:6/4 mm or 4/2 mm (outer/inner)


Arrangement of 9 suction plates

Multi-segment laboratory lysimeter


  • Dohlen, M. u. S. Wessel-Bothe (2004): A new procedure for quantifying solute fluxes in soils - first results of urban forest soils in the Ruhr district; EUROSOIL conference, Freiburg, Germany, Sept. 2004, Poster Session 02a: Soil Properties and Processes.

  • Dohlen, M. (2006): Stoffbilanzierung in urbanen Waldökosystemen der Stadt Bochum. Bochumer Geographische Arbeiten, Heft 73, 161 S.

  • Willich, M. & A. Buerkert (2016): Leaching of carbon and nitrogen from a sandy soil substrate: A comparison between suction plates and ion exchange resins; J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 179, 609-614.

  • Peters, A. et al. (2005): Sickerwassererfassung- Ein Vergleich von Geräten unterschiedlicher Bauart. 11. Gumpensteiner Lysimetertagung.