


Plastic suction cups

Scope of application

Extracts soil solution to analyze inorganic solutes e.g., cadmium, lead, arsenic, antimony and phosphate); suitable also for all major nutrients (alkali metal and alkaline earth metals, nitrates, sulphates etc.- Suction cups product finder)


  • Suitable for inorganic solutes with high sorption coefficients

  • Heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn), metalloids (As, Sb) and phosphates

  • High hydraulic conductivity

  • High bubble point

  • Open-grained polyethylene-structure acts as a protective sleeve for optimal hydraulic connectivity to the water-filled soil pores

Technical data

Material:Polyamide membrane
Bubble Point:≥ 1,000 hPa 
Pore size:0,45 μm
Length:90 mm
Diameter:32 mm
Length:as required (all lengths available)
Material:Polyamide resp. PTFE
Length:1 m; other lengths available on request
Diameter:4/2 mm (outer/inner)


Sensor-network in the Wismut region

Leachate monitoring in permanent field experiment


  • Wessel-Bothe, S. (2002): Simultaner Transport von Ionen unterschiedlicher Matrixaffinität in Böden aus Löss unter Freilandbedingungen – Messung und Simulation; Bonner Bodenkundl. Abh.; Bd. 38; 218 S.

  • Rais, D., B. Nowack, R. Schulin & J. Luster (2006): Sorption of Trace Metals by Standard and Micro Suction cups in the Absence and Presence of Dissolved Organic Carbon; J. Environ. Qual. 35: 50-60.

  • Weber, F.-A., A. Voegelin, R. Kaegi & R. Kretzschmar (2009): Contaminant mobilization by metallic copper and metal sulphide colloids in flooded soil; Nature Geoscience 2: 267-271.