




  • OD-300P series is the most advanced and completely automated analyser to detect and measure heavy metals in water. It is a fully portable spectrophotometer analyser for use in the field and laboratory. It offers both domestic and internationally accepted quantitative analysis of heavy metals in waters and wastewaters, from trace to high concentration. The analyser covers a wide range of application areas including environmental, clinical, forensic, food, and beverages.

  • The innovative optical arrangement provides accurate and precise measurements and offers the flexibility to cover a range of concentrations. A reliable on-site alternative, truly portable for remote sites with no laboratory facilities needing speedy analysis.

  • Fully automated wavelength and light source calibration optimizes the measurement accuracy. The powerful interactive support tools in the application software are designed to easily build the calibration files, analyse the samples, share and design data analysis reports.

Features and benefits:

  • Compact, lightweight, and robust, the truly portable OD-300P makes it easy to use for on-site analysis, which allows real-time decision making quick.

  • Typical test time <2 seconds per sample. All data processing is performed in the analyser touch screen panel. No post-processing necessary using an external computer.

  • The touch screen display allows easy sample analysis and display of data without a PC. Powerful HexaSoft interactive software provides simple, quick, and easy calibration.

  • An intelligent auto-calibration routine that offers fast and reliable light source calibration with minimal user input. Doesn’t need factory re-calibration. The instrument is provided with reference check samples.

  • Long lifetime and highly stable light source. Based on the UV/Vis absorption principle.


1. Environmental Monitoring
2. Industrial Wastewaters
3. Clinical, Forensic
4. Food & Beverages